Eric Janto

I'm a data scientist based in Edinburgh. I recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I'm taking a break from professional work to contribute to open-source projects and learn new skills. Previously I worked at a startup where we created synthetic financial data to prevent fraud, used by the DBT and the FCA.

In my spare time I enjoy swimming and playing classical music. Feel free to reach out to me.

This website is under construction. Below are some projects I have worked on in the past.

Project Description Area Year
32 Marimo Open-source contributions to a reactive Jupyter notebook alternative Data science 2024

Marimo is an open-source reactive notebook for Python. Traditional Jupyter notebooks have a hidden state which often leads to incoherence among cell states and reproducibility issues. Marimo solves this problem by representing the notebook as a directed acyclic graph which allows for reactively updating any downstream dependencies.

Demonstration of an embeddings scatterplot. The marimo cell below displays datapoints reactively depending on the current selection in the plot.

Demonstration of an embeddings scatterplot. The marimo cell below displays datapoints reactively depending on the current selection in the plot.

This is the first major open-source project that I have contributed to. There is an incredible learning factor to it as the project is actively maintained and people constantly review and constructively criticise every pull-request.


31 Lex NLP tool for exhaustive and context-driven vocabulary acquisition Natural language processing 2023-2024

Recently I made an observation on attentional bias when encountering new words: after being presented with a new word for the first time, I see it everywhere from that point on, including in the books that I read. Usually I unconsciously memorise the sentence it appears in, which helps me tremendously remembering its meaning in the long-term.

Lex is an NLP tool which was developed around this observation. Its goal is to facilitate exhaustive vocabulary acquisition. Given a new book that I’m about to read, Lex selects all words that I do not know yet by referring to a reference vocabulary. It then contextualises them, i.e. for every new word it finds the surrounding context. This allows me to learn new words before reading a book.

Link to GitHub repository

30 Neural machine translation Implementation of two NMT models from scratch Natural language processing 2024

This project focused on implementing and training two models for neural machine translation from scratch: the lexical attention model as described in Nguyen and Chiang (2017) and a basic implementation of the Transformer architecture and the multi-head attention mechanism according to Vaswani et al. (2017).

The models were trained on German-to-English data.

Link to repository

29 Number agreement prediction Using an RNN to predict number agreement between subject and predicate Natural language processing 2024

This project focused on learning how to take models proposed in research papers, often represented by 5-10 equations, and putting them into use for a simple downstream task.

The form of the English predicate depends on the subject of the sentence. “The pen are on the desk” is incorrect, there is no number agreement. The task is to have a model predict the predicate form (singular [VBZ] or plural [VBP]) based on all words preceding the predicate.

This project involved the implementation and training of two models. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are inherently well-suited for this task due to their ability to learn long-range dependencies. As they suffer from the vanishing gradient problem, the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) variant was implemented for comparison.

The models were adjusted for the agreement task and trained on a small set of training data in the following form:

time index t=1 t=2 t=3
input The blue fish
output VBZ

Back-propagation-through-time was used for training, with varying lookback values. The results were promising given the limited amount of data used for training:

Model Mean Loss Accuracy Lookback
RNN 0.450 0.796 1
0.459 0.791 3
0.456 0.796 5
0.447 0.806 10
0.449 0.802 20
0.452 0.800 30
GRU 0.377 0.836 1
0.358 0.843 3
0.375 0.845 5
0.378 0.837 10
0.384 0.837 20
0.371 0.848 30

Link to repository

28 Deep RL experiments Implementation of deep RL algorithms using OpenAI’s gym Reinforcement learning 2024

This project implemented various RL algorithms from scratch using OpenAI’s gym environment for training and evaluation of agents.

experiments/ rl area description
experiment1 dynamic programming value and policy iteration
experiment2 tabular rl Q-learning; on-policy first-visit MC
experiment3 deep rl DQN; REINFORCE
experiment4 continuous deep rl DDPG
experiment5 misc fine-tuning and hyperparameter search

Link to repository

27 Linux kernel experimentation Three small experiments involving the Linux kernel Systems programming 2024

This project was part of a recurring University course and its codebase can thus not be published. Please contact me if you are interested in further details about its implementation.

This project implemented three small experiments using the official Linux kernel.

The first experiment focused on implementing a custom aging scheduling policy, a scheduling technique where there is an increase in priority as a process is waiting for runtime. This is used to avoid starvation among processes.

The second part involved experimentation with the memory subsystem of Linux. First a shared memory kernel module was implemented to facilitate shared memory usage among different user application. This was achieved by using a character device and memory mapping. In the second step, a custom memory analyser collects and prints various memory statistics in the following format:

root@linux-exp:/proc/1# cat memstats
Virtual Memory Area Stats:
    Total VMAs: 152
    Biggest VMA Size: 66973696
    Readable VMAs: 148
    Writable VMAs: 42
    Executable VMAs: 27
    Shared VMAs: 0
    Private VMAs: 152
    Locked VMAs: 0
    Executable Image VMAs: 26
    Page 23
    File Backed VMAs: 130
    Anonymous VMAs: 22

Physical Pages Stats:
    Total Physical Pages: 2978
    Number of Pages Swapped Out: 0
    Read-Only Pages: 2839
    Writable Pages: 139
    Number of Shared Pages: 0
    Number of Special Pages: 1
    Number of Huge Pages: 0

The third experiment involved manipulating filesystem functionalities. First a read censor was implemented, censoring certain strings present in a file upon read if it was tagged with a special xattr key. Second, filtering functionality for the output of running ls was implemented. Depending on the xattr tag of the listed directory, certain file types are omitted from the output (such as regular files, directories, character devices, symlinks,…). This was achieved by amending the ls system call in the Linux source code.

26 Eric Janto website redesign #3 Redesign and reimplementation of a personal website Web development 2024

Website redesign for with a focus on minimalism and a brutalist, text-only and monochrome presentation.

This involved extensive research into table design beforehand, collected in an channel.

One of the main benefits is that it allows for extensive use of marginalia.

Further research went into digital document layout. This led to a custom article layout using the ideas demonstrated by Edward Tufte’s books and handouts.

Layout design of the new website featuring side notes.

This is the first year no framework was used for the implementation. A custom static-site generator was built with a single dependency on Pandoc to convert Markdown to HTML.

Link to project

25 Bookmarks landing page Lightweight browser landing page for displaying bookmarks Web development 2024
Not filed yet.
24 Interactive lecture videos Integration of spaced-repetition into interactive lecture videos Web development 2023
Not filed yet.
23 Part-of-speech tagger Implementation of a Hidden-Markov-Model for part-of-speech tagging Natural language processing 2023
Not filed yet.
22 Language classification Implementation of an Lgram model to identify English text Natural language processing 2023
Not filed yet.
21 Generative music MaxMSP project to generate music from natural language instructions Creative coding 2023
Not filed yet.
20 Story Hunter An improved search engine for the AOC3 platform Data engineering 2023

This project was part of a recurring University course and its codebase can thus not be published. Please contact me if you are interested in further details about its implementation.

This project implemented an advanced search engine for the Archive of Our Own (AO3). The AO3 comprises a vast collection of fan fiction, 502GB in size with ~15 million documents written in English, with an average length of 2600 terms.

The priority was to allow for fast look-up times of ranked documents given the user query. This was achieved by using a positional inverted index along with td-idf ranking.

Overall system architecture of the search engine.

Overall system architecture of the search engine.

Technical report

19 Human Cadherin-7 analysis Sequence retrieval and analysis of Human Cadherin-7 analysis Bioinformatics 2023
Not filed yet.
18 Gene-disease mapping data exploration Comparison of the genetic basis of neural and digestive system disorders Bioinformatics 2023
Not filed yet.
17 Mac setup Script for the automated setup of MacOS-based machines Scripting 2023
Not filed yet.
16 Name variations Implementation and visualisation of a name variation algorithm Natural language processing 2022
Not filed yet.
15 Cargo vessel routing optimiser Optimiser for cargo-loading and routing logistics based on AIS (Automatic Identification System) data Data science 2022
Not filed yet.
14 Bionic Markdown NPM module for producing Markdown conforming to Bionic Reading standards Web development 2022
Not filed yet.
13 Wikipedia ctrl+k menu A tool for summarising and explaining Wikipedia articles with ChatGPT Web development 2022
Not filed yet.
12 Web watch Tool to get notified about changes made to third-party websites Scripting 2022
Not filed yet.
11 Frontmatter processor NPM module to manipulate metadata fields in Markdown files Web development 2022
Not filed yet.
10 Eric Janto website redesign #2 Redesign and reimplementation of a personal website Web development 2022
Not filed yet.
9 Note publishing website Front-end for publishing academic Markdown notes Web development 2021
Not filed yet.
8 Sliding window protocol Implementation and analysis of the sliding window protocol Networks 2021
Not filed yet.
7 Booking automation Selenium-based tool to automatically book swim session slots Scripting 2021
Not filed yet.
6 MIPS simulator 5-stage multi-cycle processor simulator for the MIPS assembly language Systems programming 2021
Not filed yet.
5 EUJO website Website design and implementation for the Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra Web development 2021
Not filed yet.
4 Eric Janto website redesign #1 Redesign and reimplementation of a personal website Web development 2021
Not filed yet.
3 Corona-Warn-App Smoke-testing of UI prototypes for Germany’s official COVID-19 app Software testing 2020
Not filed yet.
2 EUSO website Website design and implementation for the Edinburgh University String Orchestra Web development 2020
Not filed yet.
1 Eric Janto website Initial implementation of a personal website Web development 2020
Not filed yet.